We were really happy with our finished Tricorn hats but needed to showcase them both on line and to prospective customers as we want to make them to order.

Usually I have got some idea of how I would like to present what we have made but this time I struggled so I am very glad that we met Joanna Jacobs at the Boscombe Vintage Market where we both have stalls. Joanna is a talented artist and photographer and an excellent stylist, have a look at her work on her facebook page

The day started bright and early and we met her just after 8.30 am in a beautiful small village in Wiltshire

We started with the black silk hat and this was dressed up with furs. I had already applied my make up but Joanna suggested lips in the style of Clara Bow which did look great.

The dovecote was the background here

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Next up was the lovely burgundy velvet and Joanna cleverly styled this with layers of tulle

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The small tricorne proved the most difficult to photograph but I got to wear an Erte coat and for this one we started to darken my eye makeup to accent the mood

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Great fun was had with the blue felt which was dressed up with a Hermes scarf and an Armani coat. The little blue and yellow flowers in the background just accent the photo but the great thing is that the hat really stands out which obviously was the whole point of the exercise.

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The weather started to break at this point but there was just one hat left and we stayed under cover for the steampunk one.

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This was an experience not to be missed, very clever styling by Joanna and beautiful photographs which deliver what was wanted. It was incredibly helpful to have input from a third party and be able to stand back and look at the finished product. It is important to do this, it helps you to grow as an artist/designer and also to see how other people interpret your work because it is not always how you envision. Alternative fashion is all about taking risks and playing with the style. Although I mainly focus on Lolita fashion this photo shoot just shows how versatile accessories are and how they can be translated into different fashions.

Hats Hats Hats

I have wanted to learn how to make mini Tricorne hats for a long time and at last it is going to happen.

We have arranged a three day course with Janie Lashford at Janie Lashford’s School of Millinery,Evesham, Worcestershire. I attended her school a few years ago and learnt couture techniques for making fascinators, she is an excellent tutor and is well versed in couture techniques. There are just two pupils, me and my mum and it will be an exciting but tiring few days as there is a lot to learn.

We are making three hats each, first one in felt and these are the bases we bought from Baxter, Hart, Abraham Millinery Supplies.


The second one is in velvet


The third is silk dupion


And then we needed trimmings


Monday morning we leave home at 6am for a prompt start at school at 10 am and by Wednesday evening we should end up with 6 hats which look like this but ours will be sweet Lolita, classic and steampunk inspired Tricornes to bring home.


I will keep you updated with my progress over the next few days on my facebook siteĀ