MCM in OTT Sweet Lolita

I decided to go to MCM  Expo this year both to have a fun day out after a difficult week and to scout out the possibility of having a stall there next May stocking Lolita dresses and accessories so I made myself a JSK.

First Step fabric shopping – I have found it very difficult to find border print fabric in this country so I was very excited when on a visit to Bath I found this one: –

Next step was to make a toile

Once I was happy with the fit I cut it out

Once sewn together I put it on my dummy ready for embellishing

and here am I wearing it

I made a pretty blouse to go under it and a strawberry bag for all my bits and pieces.   The best bit of all though was donning the wig and decorating it with all my hair accessories.

I had a lovely day, bought lots of things and on a serious note I can see that it would be a good place for me to have a stall there selling garments like my JSK and other Lolita styles.


Started my outfit and I have photographed the fitting process:

The start of the blouse

This is in the actual fabric and now just needs the sleeves finishing with a frill, the neckline needs to be completed and pretty buttons bought and buttonholes made


Calico pinned to fit

The Back

The shirred back will obviously look neater on the finished dress

The Straps

Now to make the changes to the pattern and cut out.  Here is the lovely fabric I bought in Bath that I am going to use