I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

Having already looked behind the scenes of my latest photoshoot I would like to showcase the official photos by Guy Wood of Sirius Art (https://www.facebook.com/PhotoArt.By.Sirius?fref=ts).   Guy is backed by the Princes Trust like me and it was a pleasure to work with him.  He understood my thinking and worked along with my storyline adding his own twists as we went along.

Story so far –

Once upon a holiday time ………….

Arriving at your destination is always magical, the anticipation of a holiday, and the much needed rest and recupuration from the daily stress of life is looked forward to.



Sitting in reception waiting for a room.


Exploring the hotel is always fun and revolving doors especially so.



Quick peep in the mirror


Wistfully looking through the window, hopeful that the weather will cheer up.


All dressed up and nowhere to go



Finally outside enjoying the beautiful view despite the rain.


Spa treatments are always good on holiday.


And what about a paddle in the inside pool.

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A break in the clouds and the outside beckons, Sandbanks is so beautiful.


The sea looks inviting.



Typical English weather but still having fun, an evening walking on the promenade despite the rain.

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Finally the rain proves too much and it is back into the hotel.

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Princes Trust Collaberation

I have been on the Princes Trust programme for eighteen months and lauched in October 2013 since then I have met a lot of lovely Princes Trust mentees and this week thoroughly enjoyed working with three of them on my latest photoshoot.

The Princes Trust give help to young people both practical and financial to help develop key skills, confidence and motivation to either move into work, education or training. In my case the help is make a success of my business so I have a mentor who I meet regularly and back up help from The Princess Trust who arange different events.  At one event I met Andreia Sousa a make up artist, (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Andreia-Sousa-Makeup-Design/664652373582973?ref=profile), at another Rose Courage, florist and stylist of Rosie Bespoke Styling (https://www.facebook.com/ROSIEBESPOKE?fref=ts) and I was introduced to Guy Wood our photographer (https://www.facebook.com/PhotoArt.By.Sirius?fref=ts) by Ginette Boyd  the wonderful Programme Executive.

Any photoshoot takes organisation and this one a little more as the first hurdle to overcome is to find a time and date that everyone can make, with this decided the next decision is the location.  I always like to tell a story on my photoshoots and the idea for this one is that of a girl arriving at a seaside resort on her holidays and how her week progressed.  The weather report was bad for Sunday which was the only day our model, Anna was available and this worried me until I talked with Guy who said he was up for taking photos in the rain as I particularly wanted beach shots.  My husband works in The Haven a beautiful hotel by the beach(http://www.fjbhotels.co.uk/hotels/poole/haven-hotel/) and we were kindly allowed a room in the Spa to change our model and also to take photos both inside and out. I am very grateful to the management and all of the staff, everyone was so lovely and helpful and the hotel was the perfect setting especially as it has access to the beach.


Talking over it with my business partner (my mum) I decided on a progression from a prim and proper look on arrival working through to a more carefree look at the end of the holiday.  We always visit the location before any shoot and work out a schedule as a guideline which we find helps us all work efficiently and be able to concentrate on the more important things during the shoot.

This was our suggested schedule which we also sent to Guy our wonderful photographer : –

Arrive at the location at 8.30 am earlier if the hair and makeup is done

Set up a wardrobe space in the spa changing rooms

Start with the first garment for the story board at 8.35 the pink dotted tulle- this could be photographed in the foyer by the revolving doors and in the bar overlooking the sea 20 mins

The second outfit is the high waisted dress with a wild flower crown, this can be photographed on the terrace over looking the sea because she wants to get closer to it.

The third outfit is the most prim and is really the start of the story and could be at the entrance there is a lovely fountain just outside, this one could also be taken by the revolving doors too.

The fourth outfit is the short set and there are some lovely big rocks on the beach i thought this could look pretty cool if she was sat on them, it’s got a Peter Pan feel to it.

The fifth outfit is the blue strapless and is paired with a hair accessory which is based on ram horns I would like this with the sea as the back drop or the beach.

The final outfit is my statement piece and I would love it to be photographed on the promenade overlooking the sea.

All of this is fluid, don’t feel like we have to stick to this, it’s just a good idea to have a sort of idea so we are not running all over the place.

Our day started at 7 am with make up and hair (again Jessica my sister and hairdresser did the hair and I am going to set up a business facebook for her in the next week or two).  These are our snapshots below:-

photo 2 photo 4

At the location we set up the room, clothes on the rack, hairpieces set out and shoes all by Irregular Choice for this shoot lined up by the wall.


The props from Rosie :-

 birdcage bouquet

Here is Guy getting himself ready for the shoot:-


The first photo, this is actually the ‘second day’ of the holiday but we had to work in this room before all the guests came down for morning coffee, here Anna is wishing the weather was nice enough to go out :-


This dress was accessories with my little boater and a pair of my Irregular Choice shoes, Fantasy Flower.


Arrival at the hotel:


Another pair of my Irregular Choice shoes Abigail Ankle, I have worn these a lot and the hair accessory is a pretty bow.

Onto the terrace regardless of the weather: –


Anna shoes were Mal E Bow by Irregular Choice and I had made a large flower crown for her hair.

I was busy directing and carrying props:-


And Andrea was on hand to touch up the make up


Abandoning all hope of the weather improving:-


Anna carried her Spot the Dot shoes and wore my flower decorated horns in her hair.  I love these and plan to make more in different colours.

Andrea adjusted  the lipstick to suit each outfit and freshened the makeup: –

photo andrea

The Beach Outfit, here the shots were just taken inside again:-


I love these shoes, I bought them from Irregular Choice in Brighton, one of my favourite pairs and they are called Cherry Shaker.  Her hat is based on a small sailor hat.

Last but not least my statement piece on the promenade:-


Shoes again by Irregular Choice, one of mine and a twin flower fascinator in her hair joined by beads across her forehead.

We had a great morning and it was lovely to work on the day with Guy and Andrea, I cant wait to see Guy’s photos.

Everything comes along at once

An exciting week.  Boscombe Vintage Fair has a market once a month and I had applied with my mum to have a stall.  My mum has been sewing since she was twelve years old and helps me out when I have wedding dresses to do and I am behind with my sewing but I also help her with her vintage styled accessories. She has a facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Millymoll/421517547885955, and is in the process of setting up an Etsy shop.  We didnt think that we had the stall as it is near Christmas so we then applied for a space at the Anonymous travelling market at Wilton in November.  On the same morning we heard from both the Boscombe Vintage Fair and the Anonyous market that we can sell our wares there.  Exciting and busy times.  Need to plan how to display items, make a few more and on a practical note we need to get public liability insurance.

As well I also heard from the Princes Trust and had an interview with them.  Now it is just a waiting game to see if I can get on their four day course in November.  I need help with marketing etc and the business side of working for myself.

Here are a few photos of the things we make for Millymoll, vintage style accessories:

Photo: A small sinamay fascinator decorated with beautiful beaded lace and a silk rose.  Ii is easy to wear as it has a hairclip to attach to hair

Photo: Two lovely veils, one pale pink with a 1950's type bow and the other an ivory decorated with lace flower motifs

Photo: The cherrys look great on a winter coat, again crocheted with a brooch back

Photo: Collars are in this year and this lace version is very pretty