
Not a very productive week, had a great time in London but came back with a migraine and now have  a cold so nothing much has been sewn.

I started my blouse for  my  MCM outfit and I have sewn the toile for my JSK but had hoped that it would be finished.  Have to tell myself that tomorrow is another day.

One thing I  did manage though is two more lessons on Craftsy.  My mum bought me the Jewellery Workshop by Max Goodman and I am finding it really informative and interesting, she has done the Couture Dress by Susan Khalje and has just started the Sew Retro Perfect Bombshell Dress by Gretchen Hirsch.  They are great because you can work through them at your own speed and actually see the different techniques being sewn etc.  So much easier than reading and you can also ask questions on line and the tutors and other pupils will answer.

I also tried to upload photos from a photo shoot I did recently onto Etsy for custom orders but the file was too big so tomorrow I will look into making it smaller.

The photos were taken by a talented photographer Andrew Smith of Poole Portraits at Upton Country House (  I love the photos, they really tell a story and they have great depth and detail in them which is really important.   To get the skirt to look like it does I used metres of netting with 4 layers of tulle over.   I chose a very bright pink for the majority of the netting and tulle with the white spotted tulle just muting it a bit.  I wanted to use some expensive lace but due to budget restrictions kept it just on the front panel of the bodice so I only needed to buy 30 cms.