Designing my Sallopettes

I wanted something casual and yet pretty to wear this summer and this old pattern gave me the starting point for a new design.20130610-083047.jpg

During my research I also came across this old photo which I love.


To speed things up and get the shape of the bib correct I purchased a pattern and traced off the relevant pattern pieces.

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Then as I usually do, I made a toile so we could see where alterations needed to be made.


You can see from the photos below that the bib needed to be narrower and by making this alteration the garment becomes much more flattering.

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We also streamlined the back and took some fullness out to make it fit better.

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My first pair of sallopettes in the making, you can see here I have added a skirt to the bib : –

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Made in cotton and lined in cotton the sallopettes are both comfortable and yet pretty.

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After making mine, I made a blue set which are for sale in this colour on my Etsy shop, or can be made to order in a colour of choice.


We set off bright and early by train on 25th May to visit London Comic Con. I dressed in ‘Bitter Sweet’ Lolita in a casual coordination as I was trialing my sallopettes.


20130603-073425.jpg 20130603-073433.jpg We had bought early entry tickets which I would advise as friends had to queue for over two hours for entry on the Saturday which is very tiring and can make a person grumpy by the time they get in.

My first stop was Nice Ice which I have wanted to try for a long time but have always left it to the end of the day on previous visits when to my great dismay they have sold out. This time we headed straight for their stall and the Nice Ice was delicious, my husband and I had mango and our friend had strawberry which I finished when he had had enough, yum, yum. We liked their face book page and now are the proud owners of key chains with the nice ice logo and anime characters, mine is Princess Mononoke. I am heading straight for their stall if they are at Hyper Japan.


We spent our time walking around all the exhibits but at midday it did become very crowded when all those who had been queuing entered.

I only bought a couple of items this visit one of which was this super kawai necklace from Candy Geisha!



As you can see from my photo this is a versatile necklace it goes well with my civilian clothes but also brilliantly with my Lolita outfits. I really like Candy Geisha’s accessories as they have a unique look and I will definitely buy again on line or at any of their pop up shops.

I also bought a new wig which I love. It is a split wig, black and purple, with twin tails photographed below. I think it enhances the look of my mini tricorns (for sale on my Etsy shop and I am looking forward to wearing it to Hyper Japan.

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My husband bought himself a new T-shirt from which we both really like but he found that due to the size he needs there was not a lot of choice and this is one area I am going to look into in the near future as men like interesting clothes. My motto is that life is too short to wear boring clothes and at the moment his choice is limited. I think this will mean that I will have to buy a cover stitch machine to get the professional finish that is desired and needed on both T-shirts and Hoodies.


I loved wearing my sallopettes, they were both comfortable and pretty so I have now listed them on Etsy and they are also available direct through me on my facebook page (


