Boscombe Vintage Market

The first Saturday of the month heralds the Boscombe Vintage Market held in The Royal Arcade, a beautiful Victorian structure built originally for an all weather promenade and shopping centre, it was finished in 1982.  You could not find a better place for a vintage market.

I run the stall with my mum as Millymoll and we had a lovely day but realised how much we have to learn.  This was our very first stall ever: –

Photo: Our stall at Boscombe vintage market :)

We are selling vintage inspired accessories for weddings and occasion wear.    We had some shelves for display which gave us height but we did not utilise all the space in front of the table so are planning the display for next month which is on the 1st December.

The theme is Victorian with the stall holders dressed up.  I am planning a steam punk theme and my mum will use some of a Victorian costume I made at uni

The above photo is the start of my mum’s costume and I am thinking that I could use some items from an outfit I made for a steam punk party I had for my graduation.

I would not use the corset it would be far too cold but the skirt is lovely and I have a beautiful baby bustle that goes under it.

There is a competition for the best dressed stall holder as well as the best dressed shopper so it should be a fun day.

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