Strawberry Bag

I needed a bag to go with my outfit for MCM and as I am on a strict budget I had to be creative.

My husband is a chef and had left an old chef jacket in our studio which I asked my mum to dye for me.

He was very surprised to see pink ‘whites’ hanging on the washing line one day when he came home.

I had made a heart bag previously and the pattern for this was ideal for a strawberry.

I traced the top of the heart pattern onto another piece of paper and drew the leaves for the top so I could cut out them out of a scrap of green fabric which was then appliqued onto the heart shape using a small zigzag stitch.  The main pieces were backed on coutil to make them firmer and the straps had rigilene in to make them strong.  Inside I used the pockets from the jacket to make pockets on the lining for my phone etc and to make the bag large enough to carry everything I needed on the day it had a gusset and was fastened with a zip for safety.  I had some little green leaves left over  from a previous project and I sewed these on to finish the strawberry and I thought it looked great with my outfit.

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