MCM in OTT Sweet Lolita

I decided to go to MCM  Expo this year both to have a fun day out after a difficult week and to scout out the possibility of having a stall there next May stocking Lolita dresses and accessories so I made myself a JSK.

First Step fabric shopping – I have found it very difficult to find border print fabric in this country so I was very excited when on a visit to Bath I found this one: –

Next step was to make a toile

Once I was happy with the fit I cut it out

Once sewn together I put it on my dummy ready for embellishing

and here am I wearing it

I made a pretty blouse to go under it and a strawberry bag for all my bits and pieces.   The best bit of all though was donning the wig and decorating it with all my hair accessories.

I had a lovely day, bought lots of things and on a serious note I can see that it would be a good place for me to have a stall there selling garments like my JSK and other Lolita styles.

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