MCM in OTT Sweet Lolita

I decided to go to MCM  Expo this year both to have a fun day out after a difficult week and to scout out the possibility of having a stall there next May stocking Lolita dresses and accessories so I made myself a JSK.

First Step fabric shopping – I have found it very difficult to find border print fabric in this country so I was very excited when on a visit to Bath I found this one: –

Next step was to make a toile

Once I was happy with the fit I cut it out

Once sewn together I put it on my dummy ready for embellishing

and here am I wearing it

I made a pretty blouse to go under it and a strawberry bag for all my bits and pieces.   The best bit of all though was donning the wig and decorating it with all my hair accessories.

I had a lovely day, bought lots of things and on a serious note I can see that it would be a good place for me to have a stall there selling garments like my JSK and other Lolita styles.

Make do and Mend

I have had a chinese dress in my wardrobe which I love but unfortunately bought for me when I was sixteen and curve less.

I desperately need some new clothes so decided to alter this to make a Qi lolita co-ord. After trying it on I undid the side seams as far as the waist, shortened it, cutting it off just below the last navy embellishment.  I neatened the side seams with an ivory satin bias binding and rehemed the bottom edge.  I also decided to alter the sleeves as they were a bit tight which doesn’t look good and is also uncomfortable.  I took them out and reinserted them as little gathered cap sleeves neatening the underarm with bias binding.

To go with this I needed a layered skirt which I made from a matching dark blue cotton drill with a netted  petticoat to give it the correct silhouette.

I wore this out last night and loved it.

Everything comes along at once

An exciting week.  Boscombe Vintage Fair has a market once a month and I had applied with my mum to have a stall.  My mum has been sewing since she was twelve years old and helps me out when I have wedding dresses to do and I am behind with my sewing but I also help her with her vintage styled accessories. She has a facebook page,, and is in the process of setting up an Etsy shop.  We didnt think that we had the stall as it is near Christmas so we then applied for a space at the Anonymous travelling market at Wilton in November.  On the same morning we heard from both the Boscombe Vintage Fair and the Anonyous market that we can sell our wares there.  Exciting and busy times.  Need to plan how to display items, make a few more and on a practical note we need to get public liability insurance.

As well I also heard from the Princes Trust and had an interview with them.  Now it is just a waiting game to see if I can get on their four day course in November.  I need help with marketing etc and the business side of working for myself.

Here are a few photos of the things we make for Millymoll, vintage style accessories:

Photo: A small sinamay fascinator decorated with beautiful beaded lace and a silk rose.  Ii is easy to wear as it has a hairclip to attach to hair

Photo: Two lovely veils, one pale pink with a 1950's type bow and the other an ivory decorated with lace flower motifs

Photo: The cherrys look great on a winter coat, again crocheted with a brooch back

Photo: Collars are in this year and this lace version is very pretty


Started my outfit and I have photographed the fitting process:

The start of the blouse

This is in the actual fabric and now just needs the sleeves finishing with a frill, the neckline needs to be completed and pretty buttons bought and buttonholes made


Calico pinned to fit

The Back

The shirred back will obviously look neater on the finished dress

The Straps

Now to make the changes to the pattern and cut out.  Here is the lovely fabric I bought in Bath that I am going to use


Not a very productive week, had a great time in London but came back with a migraine and now have  a cold so nothing much has been sewn.

I started my blouse for  my  MCM outfit and I have sewn the toile for my JSK but had hoped that it would be finished.  Have to tell myself that tomorrow is another day.

One thing I  did manage though is two more lessons on Craftsy.  My mum bought me the Jewellery Workshop by Max Goodman and I am finding it really informative and interesting, she has done the Couture Dress by Susan Khalje and has just started the Sew Retro Perfect Bombshell Dress by Gretchen Hirsch.  They are great because you can work through them at your own speed and actually see the different techniques being sewn etc.  So much easier than reading and you can also ask questions on line and the tutors and other pupils will answer.

I also tried to upload photos from a photo shoot I did recently onto Etsy for custom orders but the file was too big so tomorrow I will look into making it smaller.

The photos were taken by a talented photographer Andrew Smith of Poole Portraits at Upton Country House (  I love the photos, they really tell a story and they have great depth and detail in them which is really important.   To get the skirt to look like it does I used metres of netting with 4 layers of tulle over.   I chose a very bright pink for the majority of the netting and tulle with the white spotted tulle just muting it a bit.  I wanted to use some expensive lace but due to budget restrictions kept it just on the front panel of the bodice so I only needed to buy 30 cms.

Day out in London

I visited London last weekend if full Gothic Lolita coord. I had a great time and lots of compliments. On the station in Richmond a stranger asked to take my photo, in Covent Garden again my photo was taken this time without asking and lots of people said lovely things. My brother’s grandmother-in-law to be said I looked like a ‘little doll’.

In China Town

Drinking Boba tea

Next outing is to MCM Expo and I am planning what to make and wear for it at the moment. I bought some great border fabric in a super little shop in Bath and will be wearing full on sweet Lolita. I have some accessories but am also making some more, a bow headband and a fuzzy brooch are on the list to do.


One cantonier finished, black lace with a lovely vintage brooch ( for the Gothic Lolita) and I have collected the bits and pieces for the pink one.  In the meantime I have made a lovely bow headpiece with printed needlecord.  My mum had found a lovely shaped bow and I have also covered the actual band in the needlecord.  Photos to take tonight and upload to the Etsy shop.  I am experimenting to see if I get more looks by uploading one new piece each day.


The trouble when just starting up is that I have too many ideas, not enough time still and also have to watch what I spend on trims etc.  Working just three afternoons in a coffee shop doesnt equal what I used to earn as a full time pattern cutter.  Still the advantages outway the disadvantages and I am so much happier.


Today I am planning the next three canotiers.  I want to make a gothic lolita one, a fairy kei and one other, we will see what happens.  For the bases I am using  sinamay in purple, black and pink and will need to rummage in my embellishment box to see what decorations to use.  The box is full of bits of vintage trims, beaded lace and other beautiful things, it should be a fun week.

This is one I made earlier: –